Strategic rebrand for consulting business

Strategy into action.
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Agencia are change management experts, working globally, in niche environments including health and social care, and judicial reform.

With a reputation for not only designing organisational change but also implementing it, Agencia faced a challenge in communicating the extent of their value. Our strategic rebrand for this consulting business created an easier-to-understand proposition and visualisation of their process.

Key Business Challenges

An extensive range of services made it hard for prospective customers to understand their niche.

How might they segment their offer?

An identity that had not kept pace with the company’s innovative approach. They didn’t look or sound like problem solvers.

How might they visualise the value they add?

No clear values for stakeholders to buy into.

How might we define their values?

A need for a stronger proposition to drive further global growth.

How might they be positioned to match their ambition?

Our process of change
Detailed competitor analysis
  • Workshops with the senior team and associates
  • Customer research and interviews
  • Definition of purpose, principles and personality
  • Reframed proposition
The change we created
Transforming lives

“Agencia are trailblazers in making sustainable change happen. 
We design, manage and implement transformation that changes lives for the better.”

We developed a visualisation of the Agencia process: Strategy - Action - Results. This helped to guide conversations with clients and define how Agencia can help.

  • The Agencia brand and mark was designed to be strong, recognisable and flexible in its application, with the arrow-like icon symbolising the team’s directional force to make things happen.
  • Revised brand architecture to reflect markets and service areas.
  • Scoped and designed a new website and communications.
Strategic rebrand for consulting business
Strategic rebrand for consulting business

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