Why does ‘gardening’ matter to a business prioritising organisational health?

In the early parts of the year, many businesses – and the individuals within them – start to think about how the upcoming months could pan out. They reflect on recent events, causes for celebration, and key learnings, and they strategise to plan for what’s to come.

Goals are set, changes are sometimes implemented, and there’s often a refreshed sense of energy – not least because the festive recharge does people a lot of good.

But the early part of 2022 felt a little different from normal. Reflecting on the shifting ambiance from the traditional ‘new year, fresh start’ rhetoric to a deep-rooted need to be different after a prolonged period of tumult, our design director Darren Evans explored the crucial role ‘gardening’ plays in enhancing organisational health, in his latest article with Brandingmag.

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